Kurt Weill Foundation
During the long Easter weekend of 1995, as an exercise in learning a new web development application (CyberStudio), I redesigned the website at kwf.org. When it was done to my satisfaction, I put it online and sent the foundation librarian and webmaster David Farneth an email message that went something like this: “You don’t know me from Adam, but I took the opportunity to redesign your website. Here’s the link. If you like what I’ve done, you can have it. I’m not expecting you to pay me. Just accept it as thanks for your role in promoting some great music.”
At first David didn't quite know what to make of this, but a few days later he replied, thanking me and telling me that the Foundation would like to use my work, and had arranged to send me a modest honorarium.
This was the start of a 26 year-long partnership, punctuated twice a year by an honorarium cheque. David Farneth moved on a few years later, but Dave Stein continued in his place. I immensely enjoyed working with him over these many years. In 2020, the Foundation decided to accept proposals for a new media strategy, and I decided to bow out gracefully. The new website was rolled out in 2021.
These screenshots trace the development of the web site during the quarter century of my involvement, courtesy of Internet Archive.
- Year
- 1995-2021
- Client
- Kurt Weill Foundation for Music, New York, NY